Thursday, December 10, 2009

premature thoughts

Dear diary,
after many days i am writing on you.
Today i experienced some wonderful flora and fauna of this beautiful world. i have flied over the the highest peaks of mount Everest, dived to the deepest trenches of Atlantic. i have seen blood rushing through my veins, running across my brain steaming through my mind. I have seen my soul coming out and happily dawned over my whole hallucinogenic life. I love to live in the world of fantasy, in the world of dreams , the world of imaginations.

why can't i get you dear diary when i am in my era of fantasy, while I feel my hand trembling, with each corpuscles bounded with the thread of life. It sometimes fascinates me to know what dominates our life, is these a distinction between my heart and my mind, or is it the soul which is constantly bridging the gap and connecting the grail of life.

We are all moving towards an never ending rat race, not knowing whether these rails will ever meet. But it has a terrific spirit...........we may lose in the battle field but our spirit constantly nags on getting the better of it. we all are in search of some tit bits of greatest moments, some foolish quarrels, some warm relations, some agony faces, tears for some loved ones, a night spend out with some greatest friends, a search ending nowhere....................

Sometimes it haunts me, why are we all running, what is the need of this so called society,
are we all living for a damm old job, a relation without any space, all creativity lost in vogue, fancy parties in tantra,underground.......which will turn to a gray fade memory thrown out from the garbage of the over loaded memory.............
let there be a place where there is no search for happiness, and no tear filled faces....

Basically its the urge of living which is flooding us in the infinite journey called life,and hoping to have a place like that of John Lennon dreamed of......
"Imagine there's no Heaven ,It's easy if you try, No hell below us ,Above us only sky, Imagine all the people, Living for today......................................
You may say that I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one "

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